Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Signs from the universe

I have been thinking about certain things and it just amazes me how fast I am manifesting the things I think about in my life.  It is also so strange that my Mom asked me yesterday while describing my mini bank holiday break to her about my writing.   Then today I see an email pop up about my blog?  Could this be a sign to restore my passion for writing?  Also, there are many strange changes happening to loved ones around me and it has really made me reflect and take a deep look at how I once was faced with days of darkness.  I feel so proud of where I am right now in my life and I am taking the opportunity to just be and appreciate all I have and be focused.  I always knew keep down that I would find my soulmate and I have and when you do, you just know it from the second you lay eyes on each other.  

Changing emotions

One past memory I have is how I use to enjoy writing and how good it made me feel.  Why say this is because I just felt down, unmotivated and disappointed with myself.  I really did not feel like doing any house work but looking at the dust and untidiness did not make me feel better either.  So how I convinced myself to just clean the bathroom, whipp the vacuum around and do the dishes has surprised me.  I think I know myself rather well in that I know it would actually make me feel better if I did that.  

However at the time has not having the enthusiasm and energy and having to work extra hard to motivate myself.   I know that the bad choices I made two nights ago had an impact on how I was feeling and my periods had just arrived which probably had a bit to do with it.  I have also had an  extremely intense week training in my new job.  Being in what I feel is a one side relationship does not help either.  

One of the reasons I get down is because I am in a relationship where there is no communication and it really gets me down.  I feel scared to express my emotions because if they are anything but happy and position then there is drama - as I am writing this I wonder how I can test the power of intention because I know that if I focus on that guess what?  It only gets worse.... so can I choose to turn this around?  One way is to focus on what I do want and need and to be grateful for what I have and really appreciate that.  Today the sky is blue and the sun is out, I am so fortune not to HAVE to do anything or be anywhere I have the full choice of what ever I feeling doing - isn't that just total freedom for you, how many other people would love to be in my position?

I have no stress or pressure other than what I am choosing to put upon myself.

I found what helps me feel better is to reflect and look back over my week and see what I have achieved.  

Magic key to your destiny.....numbers

As I gaze out my bedroom window, it's slightly fogging and what to use to bear branches are now almost full of fresh leaves and various songs being sung by the birds.  I woke up thinking about the that year I spend really believing in a goal of travelling the world and how I did it and how my life has take twists and turns between then and now and how that feeling has finally returned as I am back in the corporate world doing something I love where I left off and boy does it feel good.

Now I am going to share a little magic with you, the key to your destiny....numbers!  The all around us we live our lives by the clock, calendar and cycles so you might just find this interesting.

1. Your Destiny

Determining your Destiny 

From the first day of your life to the last, you are governed by the destiny bestowed upon you by the date of your birth.

How many times do ring up and they say - can I have your date of birth IT EVERYWHERE!  The numerological value of this birth date will reveal to you the path of your destiny and suggest the line of personal development.

To determine the number of your destiny, add together the number value of YOUR month, DAY and YEAR of your birth and reduce the total to a single digit. 

The number value for each month is:

  • January 1
  • February 2
  • March 3
  • April 4
  • May 5
  • June 6
  • July 7
  • August 8
  • September 9
  • October 1
  • November 2
  • December 3
EXAMPLE:   if you born on August 16, 1929

August (number value) 8
Date                         16
Year                      1929
TOTAL                   1953

Reduce this total to a single digit:  1+9+5+3=18 and 1+8=9 Therefore, the Destiny Number for this birth date would be 9

Another number is "Life Path" Number - if you want to know more visit ColourPowerCrystals

My number is 8 and this is what is says!

Life Path 8 – Colour Violet
Life lessons
To have faith and trust in yourself.
To balance the material and spiritual.
To show love and affection freely.
To set realistic goals and find new paths.

Crystals to help you follow your life path and the lessons it brings
are all the Violet ones and crystals which vibrate to number 8.
These are; Lepidolite, Selenite, Celestite, Red calcite, Yellow Jasper,
Mookaite, Snowflake Obsidian, Afghan Diamond, Tigers Iron, 
Serpentine, Beryl, Stibnite, Mother of Pearl, Jet and Dioptase.