Saturday 5 January 2013

My love of writing has returned

I almost feel ashamed that I have not written for more than a year, well that is not entirely true, as I have written but just not many journals.

However I thought it might be useful to reflect and share what has happen!  Life is so very different!  When I made certain decisions I had no idea that they would take the twists and turns they have.   I cannot actually believe what I have accomplished in the last year.  It has been the biggest transformation I have ever experienced.  Let's turn back the clock back to when the recession started, apparently in 2008.  I was at that stage searching deep within myself for answers and very deeply involved with my sales career in a rather secure job at the time.  I found my quest and did not stop till I succeeded and that was going to travel the world.  Yes I landed up working on ships and yachts and was away travelling the world for two years, having the most amazing and challenging experiences of my life.

One sunny afternoon in 2008 while re designing my vision board I clearly remember cutting out words from a magazine, and looking for the word coach, but could you find one and so I settled for "teacher" and had NO IDEA how powerful this was.

Well to cut a long story short firstly I remember clearly two customers I used to visit one worked part time for the YMCA and another for a small charity and I remember sharing my dream story of going to work on a boat and they encouraged me and found it rather inspiring.

I landed up getting a job as a Digital Living Presenter on a cruise ship which meant my job was to sell, promote and TEACH IT classes to passengers, yes people that don't cruise say, people do that on a cruise....yes they do!  They want to know all about the latest technology like Facebook, iTunes, iPods and the latest versions of windows verses Mac etc

I then moved into the world of yachting which was a fantastic experience and will share a whole chapter of that at some point soon!

Back to teaching when I landed on land....and stepped out of my bubble and experience this recession myself, I faced unemployment for a short space of time.  Trust me when I say this, only someone who has actually been unemployed and experience almost every fibre of their self-confidence be drained from your soul by the very thing I had just stepped out of and keyword technology.   I had always worked and had a job since leaving school and when I did move around I had such a portfolio of achievements to bring to any business when it came to sales .......well one time I moved jobs and doubled my salary and that is kind of what I was used to.  When I accepted the job to go travelling I knew full well things from a financial aspect would be on the complete opposite side of the scales, but I still had security and a job with an opportunity of a life time.

There is nothing that can prepare one for dealing with experience of unemployment.   During this period I was extremely fortunate to have family that were prepared to give me all the support they could, including me wanting to start a business with no money.  Again the full details of this will be revealing on a another day.

When I reached the point of exhausting every bit of  courage, determination, optimism and reality that I could no longer continue and had to put my pride in my pocket and sign on to start claiming benefits.  This was a massive thing for me to do.  But when you apply for over 100 jobs and get very little response, or when you do the experience is shocking you really to believe there is something wrong with you and there are moment you start believing you might be loosing it.  Thank God for my family but try to live on £67 a week.  The saving grace came with some temp work doing tele-sales, I hated every moment but it had to be done!  Four weeks felt like four months......then a miracle be continued!

That you to that very customer who I am still in contact with via social media who started a new block in 2013 and had inspired me to write again!

11.11.11 at 11.11

Well it happens to be full moon the night before 11th November 2011.  One year ago I was worked of MY A hard to believe.  So where has my journey taken me over the past year.  Came back and lived with my brother who had his own flat at the time.  I was fortunate to take over the spare room.  I had his car to use and he had taken over the care of my Mom's car.  I started my journey with Inspired Entrepreneur and formed Explore Your Journey with Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway workshops.  By July the flat was up for sale and I was moving back to Milton Keynes.  I temped at NHBC for a while, claimed JSA and finally landed my dream job with a training company as a business development manager in October.  I had the opportunity of doing some studies "Prepare to Run Your Own Business" and ITQ which has been such a blessing and amazing how it has just all fallen into place all around the right times and dates. I feel so blessed.