Wednesday 7 October 2009


Intention and guidance is strange I have been slightly frustrated with the idea of wanting to write & beating myself up for not doing so! Well meeting Anna on the cruise I know I created & her book to assist me with this then the thought, from the inspiration from a book on life coaching got me to google my name in the blog section and came across a passenger who wrote about me in his blog got me to think about my blog again and got me started.

I am on leave after my first contract at Sea on Arcadia what an amazing experience and fast track experience, unless you experience this yourself you will NEVER understand what it is like to join, absorb, adapt, learn, retain, take on & just change your whole world in a matter of 3 days when you have a hand over then you are on your way running your business and having the freedom to make choices the way you see fit!

Now just recently been to a party where everyone wants to know everything about sea life...............well it is really so difficult to express and try and explain it but I suppose if I do write this in detail no one will ever know then will they? One of things I missed the most was not having a nice hot bath to soak in and read, so guess what I just finished doing ..... just that but this was not normal bath, as I was running my hands through the water getting the temperature just under boiling I was trying to remember where I had seen my flying pillow, you know those you blow up I located it in one of my many pieces of luggage and took out the centre waterproof bit blew it up then dropped it to float while I prepared some all bran's flakes and healthy seeds. Yes I know it is strange but I had breakfast in the bath, then read a little and then did was you suppose to in the bath!

Strangely I am somehow different on holiday? Normally I rush around trying to see the whole world and pack as much in as possible and by the end need another holiday just recover however let me tell you when you work on a ship, well for me anyway it was 23 or 25/7 with timezones! When you worked you worked and when that was done well socialising till you dropped! Sleep was a rare commodity so I am really just chilling........ my mobile phone battery died yesterday and it does not phase me at all! How many people can say that?

Ok but the Internet makes up for that as this is another luxury which is SLOW and expensive on board! Read about me

I am now following my dream to a photographer, wildlife and animals is my thing so.....been buried in books and learning and reading and oh course taking lots of photos! Ok about sea life well firstly I took 10GB of pictures in 4 months and it took me a whole day to go through 15 434 pictures and delete what was rubbish and uploaded what I thought were good ones to my Flickr page

So that will give you a flavour of my travels but it is like moving planets and learning a new language! The best thing is people make decisions the worse thing is you just do not stop! Maritime law and fleet regulations, drills, safety, and acrinims OMG............planning is a always, very short cycle which is great when you have a one week cruise you just start and you are planning the next one. It is also getting to know where to find all the information of this huge ships computer system. You have to think like a passenger as there is so much to choose from from during your cruise your marketing has to be spot on amongst the more experienced but it was not long before I got my head around what to do when and where! The most frustrating part was not having my OWN room to teach in which meant I had to carry 15 laptops and all the other bits like CD's and paper work to go with it, eventually I had a box and just put it all in there! My disaster was my laptop fell and now am if anyone outhere is will to donate any loose change please do, cheque, bank deposits is all welcome as my next mission is to invest in a MAC so the massage bed is going for sale to start my fund and by the year I will have the Mac of my this space!