Saturday, 21 May 2011

Did Friday the 13th come late?

Thursday morning I was on my way to London to attend the business start up show.  As I opened the car down I noticed what looked like a piece of glass on the driver’s seat, the immediate thought that popped into my head, glass broken window! However what was lying on the seat was a piece of tin foil?  What did that mean? I still thought that is strange and it felt like I had to pay attention!  

After my usual group walk on a Friday morning headed off as I had a 12.15pm dentist check up appointment.  While driving I pushed the button for the automatic window and NOTHING happened.  How do I go to the dentist and leave my massage chair and some groceries I had bought at the farm shop.  I then decided to call the dentist and cancel my appointment.  This upset me as I really wanted to get the appointment out the way as dentists are not my favourite people!  I then turned the car around went home unpacked the whole car and phoned the dentist reception and asked if I could still come though.
Do you think as I do as this is NOT the first time this has happened that I might be slightly psychic?

Anyway on the way back from the dentist I pop into the shops and buy some food.  While at the checkout I say to myself do not put the mobile phone in the bag with the food as that might push the buttons so I leave it in the trolley.  I bet you can imagine what happen next.  I get home to discover my phone is missing, but the funny thing is while driving out the car park I have that “feeling” that I had left the phone in the trolley.  Somehow I manage to convince myself that I would have checked the trolley and carry out without checking if I have the phone.  WHY do I do these silly things?  The good news is the trolley man handed my phone in and I have it safe.  Do I need to take my handbag out with me?  Do I need to more attention?   

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