Saturday, 28 May 2011

Birthday Calendar


Click on the link below and please enter your birthday for me. It will take less than one minute.

Thank You,

Thursday, 26 May 2011

It's about the journey and not the destination

Have you even noticed how some people are rushing around so focused on arriving at their destination?  They somehow think that arriving will be the answer, what they dend to miss out on is the what I think is the best part and that is the journey.  All the little things that happen along the way.  Today I choose to help a friend and collect some brochures and deliver them in time for an urgent mail campaign.  The round trip was 170 miles, along the way I experience 4 seasons of weather and the most beautiful patterns in the sky following the mini storm and admiring the greenness of the trees and nature as I drove up the motor way.

Along the way I had the opportunity of learning some more as I just cannot get enough of Susan Jeffers.  About 3 years ago I got involved with Forever Living Products before I took my two year gap years.  Today I popped in to the product centre as my brother requested me to buy some Aloe drinking get as the doctor has given him the news that he suffers from IBS.  Well three years ago I was trying to get and everyone to use the products as they do work I was amazed and pleased with his requests.  This gave me the opportunity to think of re-visiting the idea of getting actively involved and had a chance to speak to Maureen the centre manager who kindly gave me the details for the ladies of head of events as I enquired about doing on talk on Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway® written by Susan Jeffers P.h.D as I am one her licensed trainer now. 

Arriving at my friends it was so refreshing to be greeted by her loving dog and the birds sound different to where I live.  Just to reflect and thinking that for over a decade my life was on the road doing anything up to 800 miles a did I do it?  I am so excited with all I have to do to get my workshops booked but am really trying to enjoy my unique journey of taking one step at a time and not focusing on the destination or outcome but to let it go and just be fully present!  So what ever you do - do it with all your heart I find it so much more enjoyable and remember what you put out there into the universe in what will come back to you!

Yesterday was my last day of my coaching course and at the end of course many students asked the tutor where to from here?  Does the college offer anything else?  What else to you teach and where?  The tutor replied. "I would love to do more."  So I asked, "So how can we help you do that?" He went to explain that we need to write into the college and request or enquire.  I then suggested since we had just filled in feedback forms to write our comments on there and promptly got up picked up the forms and handed them back to the students which he seemed very grateful for. 

I then enquired after most of the students had left of how I could get involved with teaching or speaking at the college and he kindly gave me the name of the lady in charge as well as his number so who knows we might work together in the further!  So I will keep you updated of how and where this goes.

Many Thanks

Karen Wyness - CEO

Explore Your Journey
M: +44(0)7974105309

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Did Friday the 13th come late?

Thursday morning I was on my way to London to attend the business start up show.  As I opened the car down I noticed what looked like a piece of glass on the driver’s seat, the immediate thought that popped into my head, glass broken window! However what was lying on the seat was a piece of tin foil?  What did that mean? I still thought that is strange and it felt like I had to pay attention!  

After my usual group walk on a Friday morning headed off as I had a 12.15pm dentist check up appointment.  While driving I pushed the button for the automatic window and NOTHING happened.  How do I go to the dentist and leave my massage chair and some groceries I had bought at the farm shop.  I then decided to call the dentist and cancel my appointment.  This upset me as I really wanted to get the appointment out the way as dentists are not my favourite people!  I then turned the car around went home unpacked the whole car and phoned the dentist reception and asked if I could still come though.
Do you think as I do as this is NOT the first time this has happened that I might be slightly psychic?

Anyway on the way back from the dentist I pop into the shops and buy some food.  While at the checkout I say to myself do not put the mobile phone in the bag with the food as that might push the buttons so I leave it in the trolley.  I bet you can imagine what happen next.  I get home to discover my phone is missing, but the funny thing is while driving out the car park I have that “feeling” that I had left the phone in the trolley.  Somehow I manage to convince myself that I would have checked the trolley and carry out without checking if I have the phone.  WHY do I do these silly things?  The good news is the trolley man handed my phone in and I have it safe.  Do I need to take my handbag out with me?  Do I need to more attention?   

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Business Journey Update

In 2006 I came across a book called Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers which changed my life!  At the time I thought how cool would it be if one could teach this stuff! THOUGHT!  Left it at that.

I remember being in St Maarten earlier this year and thinking to myself this still does not FEEL right this is not what I was put on this earth to do!  I started searching and came across which has helped me a great deal, I started by using the £1 trial and downloading all the audio seminars and listening to them during my morning walks, while I was making dinner or in the bath!  Nick then launched his home-study course I registered as a member for £4.99/month and enrolled on the course for £29/month and can honestly say it has been the best investment I have made.  So I put my own website together and have been updating and improving it as I go along and learning with every spare moment I have about  all things to do Internet Marketing and Podcasting etc.  
One weekend my sister in law invited me to go along to property investment seminar to see Kevin Green and  
Rohan shared with us that he is a member of a business network I then went home and researched it on their website I came across iMA very interesting universal language after I had done the questionairre wanted to know more and requested some information on the practitioner James Knight followed up with me and we set a date to meet up and got to learn more.  I am sharing the questionnaire with friends and family and the results have been great and interesting.  Am working my way towards doing the practitioner course.  

Going back to St Maarten I researched Susan Jeffers to discover what I had a thought about back in 2006 so without hesitation I enquired and received a application to apply to become a Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway Licensed Trainer.  I recall sitting at St Maarten airport on 17 February 2011 waiting for my flight back to the UK filling the extensive application form it.  Upon arriving in UK I made contact with a few other trainers and felt inspired with their stories and was invited to attend a Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway workshop on the 9th April at that point I knew that is it I need to do this.  I procrastinated for the next two weeks and finally felt ready after my website was up and running and it just felt like the right time, I applied.  

On Friday the 13th I received an email confirming my approval for my license, it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  I read over the license agreement during the course of weekend and completed it and returned it.  Not long after another emailed followed with some more information for me to get started.  I will be honest and say many time during the process I felt the fear but did it anyway.  My intention to run my first workshop on the 16th July so please show your interest

I am about to start on module 3 of "The message you were born to share" of my course.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Business Process - Podcasts

I had a friend say to me yesterday "I need your energy".......WHY? Well I am very eager to learn as much as I can about business.  I am proud to say I have build my own website from scratch but do you really understand all the technical stuff behind the scenes.

I enrolled in a home study course from Nick Williams called the work were born to share.  I am on module two and on a mission to learn all there is to learn about podcasts and blogging and website and found this very simple easy website video for those who would like to learn exactly what a podcast is and how it all works.