Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Needing help!

Gosh finally I have been drawn to write again! Funny just writing that it made me think of Anna and Nick 2 authors I met during my time working at sea, actually there is a 3rd Ian Cooper that they have all been an inspiration to me. The only way I got the courage to start again was through the use of pictures so I dug out all the old photos and as we speak I am scanning between writing!

I did a strange thing but BBC my whole address book with a request for help saying........


This is a strange request however if you know me I am strange!! Some of you might you even have met me in personal but am sure have some sort of "judgement" and some of you I might have not been in touch with for years!

  1. I am looking for a just one line from you saying what I mean to you as a friend, college, person, relative (if any or all apply)
  2. would you might me ever mentioning your name in a public interview? (just yes or no)

I look forward to your feedback and am very grateful! I promise you will see why but right now it is suspense!

So I guess I know where this is going? Memory lane and it will be interesting to see what the responses are!

Ok today I have been glued to the PC getting stuck in! Scanning, scanning, and scanning I have created folders of 3 generations and in each created sub-folders with names and in those each have a childhood, career and relationships folder now organising that is going to be interesting.

I get bored very quickly so I needed a distraction to the shop and I needed to get rid of the huge camera bag my Mom has bought for me when I got my new Sony so we bought it for £20 I sold it back to them for £10. Ok the scanning is done now and dinner is ready! Now I need to put this together piece by piece in some sort of order!